1. Samsung 55-inch OLED HDTV
There were a couple of examples of the latest in OLED HDTV technology at CES 2012, and this one was from Samsung. It's a 55-inch display that looks simply spectacular, with rich, deep blacks, supersaturated color, extra sharp picture and it's thinner than my little finger.
Look for this one to be available before the end of the year, at an as-yet-undisclosed price, probably around $8,000. Because these screens are relatively easy to manufacture, expect those prices to drop precipitously within the next year or two.
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LAS VEGAS — Taking a tumultuous trip to Las Vegas this week, your intrepid Top 10 Tech This Week correspondents encountered a veritable feast of gadgetry and technological innovation. So we deemed it fitting to show you the best tech we saw at CES 2012, of course keeping with our theme of sticking with all things techy and futuristic — ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous.
For those of you who don’t care for CES 2012, stick with us — you might find a surprise or two that wasn’t shown at CES but dazzled us all the same. Sit back, prepare yourself for astonishment, and join us for the Top 10 Tech This Week, brought to you this week from fabulous Las Vegas.
More About: CES, CES 2012, Top 10 Tech
Charlie White 15 Jan, 2012
Source: http://mashable.com/2012/01/14/top-10-tech-this-week-12/
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