Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

The Job Search and Confidentiality [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted by immunk pare on 11.23

We know that social media is a huge part of the modern job search. But being active on social media also can prevent you from searching stealthily. Coworkers and bosses can see who you’ve recently followed on Twitter (handles of job boards could tip them off), Facebook friends can see your new friends in the ticker (what if they’re recruiters?!) and misapplied settings on your Google+ circles could blow your cover. So yes, in addition to the difficulty of trying to find a job in this economy, the very tools that could prove most useful could also majorly backfire. In fact, according to a study last October by Wakefield Research and commissioned by TheLadders, 76% of survey respondents say “it’s impossible to maintain your privacy when searching for a job online.”

It’s no surprise that confidentiality is an ever-more important aspect of the job search — 88% of people say privacy and confidentiality are important when they’re cruising for a new career. Here are some tips for staying stealth:

  • Do your job search off the clock and out of the office
  • Use your personal email address
  • Keep all job hunt files and correspondence on your personal computer
  • Double-check privacy settings on job boards — you don’t want your current company’s HR director to see your listing!
  • Use job search apps on your smartphone
  • Keep your LinkedIn profile up to date — LinkedIn is a great tool for business networking, so your presence on the site doesn’t mean you’re looking for a new job
  • Don’t tweet or update your Facebook status with information about your job hunt
  • Use caution applying to jobs at rival companies or within a niche industry — you can describe your company instead of referring to it by name, and you can also remove your name form your resume and replace it with “Confidential Candidate

Still paranoid? You’re not alone. The infographic below highlights some statistics about confidentiality during the job search. Take a look and then check out our job board — but check your privacy settings before you apply!

Social Media Job Listings

Every week we post a list of social media and web job opportunities. While we publish a huge range of job listings, we’ve selected some of the top social media job opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

Infographic courtesy of TheLadders

More About: infographic, job search series

For more Business coverage:

Lauren Drell 15 Jan, 2012

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