Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Wear a Wi-Fi Hotspot With These Cutting-Edge Cufflinks [VIDEO]

Posted by immunk pare on 18.22

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Wish Wi-Fi hotspots would grow on sleeves? A set of cufflinks available at Brookstone serves not only as a decorative man-sessory, it features USB storage — and can even be plugged into a PC to create a Wi-Fi hotspot.

In what could easily come from a James Bond movie, these polished silver cufflinks will wow the masses at a wedding or business event with the ability to provide instant Wi-Fi access when hooked up to a computer.

After downloading accompanying software to the computer, the high-speed hotspot can be used by nearby smartphones, iPads or other wireless devices.

No room in your pockets to carry around your latest vacation pictures? The cufflinks also hold up to 2GB for files and pictures. The concept of USB cufflinks isn’t entirely new, but the fact that they also double as a Wi-Fi hotspot sets these beauties a part from others.

The cufflinks won’t come cheap, though — these will set you back $250.

Expensive? Absolutely. Practical? Of course.

There’s also been a recent wave of high-tech formalwear, including a USB wedding ring and a wedding dress with 300 gold-tinted LED lights.

SEE ALSO: 12 Tech Toys for Weddings | 10 Marriage Proposals Involving Social Media or Gadgets

Would you ever buy high-tech cufflinks like this for you or someone else? What’s the craziest high-tech fashion item you’ve ever seen? Let us know in the comments.

More About: Gadgets, wi-fi

Samantha Murphy 21 Jan, 2012

Source: http://mashable.com/2012/01/20/wi-fi-hotspot-cufflinks/
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