Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

FTC to Investigate Google+ as Part of Wider Probe [REPORT]

Posted by immunk pare on 14.32

The Federal Trade Commission will include Google+ in its ongoing probe of Google, according to a report.

The FTC sees the launch of Google’s social network as relevant to its investigation into whether Google is violating antitrust laws by giving its own services favorable treatment, reports Bloomberg, which cites “two people familiar with the situation.”

The FTC launched its probe into Google’s operations in June. The agency has investigated Google before, over Google Buzz privacy issues, but the FTC deems its latest probe its most comprehensive.

The report comes the same week in which Google integrated its Google+ data into its search results, a move that prompted criticism from Twitter, among others, including watchdog group EPIC, which sent a complaint to the FTC urging the agency to look into the Google+ integration.

Is Google+ a worthy target for investigation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

More About: FTC, Google, Twitter

Todd Wasserman 14 Jan, 2012

Source: http://mashable.com/2012/01/13/ftc-google-plus/
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